Title 10 Land Use
10-1-010: Short Title
10-1-020: Purpose
10-1-030: Effect of Chapter
10-1-040: Application
10-1-050: Declaration
10-1-060: Interpretation
10-1-070: Conflicting Provisions Repealed
10-1-080: Relation to Prior Development and Subdivision Ordinance
10-1-090: Conflicts with this Code
10-1-100: Effective Date
10-1-110: Uses not Permitted in Zones
10-1-120: Scope of Title
10-1-130: Separability and Validity Clause
10-1-140: Effect of Ordinances and Regulation
10-1-150: Effect of Private Covenants and Agreements
10-1-160: Compliance Regarding Violation
10-1-170: Penalties
10-1-180: Delegation
10-1-190: Planning Commission
10-3-010: Purpose
10-3-020: Scope
10-3-030: General Application Requirements
10-3-040: Land Use Decisions and Appeal Process
10-3-050: Public Hearings and Meetings
10-3-060: Noticing
10-3-070: General Plan Amendments
10-3-080: Zoning Map and Text Amendments
10-3-090: Infrastructure/Engineer Review
10-3-100: Variances
10-3-110: Building Permit
10-3-120: Conditional Use Permit
10-3-130: Low Impact Permits
10-3-140: Temporary Uses
10-3-150: Appeal of Administrative Decisions
10-3-160: Vesting of Rights
10-3-170: Annexations
10-3-180: Street Vacations
10-3-190: Lot Line Adjustments
10-3-200: Exactions
10-3-210: Sensitive Land Review
10-3-220: Short-Term Rentals
10-3-230: Accessory Dwellings
10-4-010: Intent
10-4-020: Purpose
10-4-030: Effect of Chapter
10-4-040: Nonconforming Uses
10-4-050: Determination of Nonconformance and Noncompliance
10-4-060: Nonconforming Lots of Record
10-4-080: Nonconforming Uses of Land
10-4-090: Noncomplying Structures
10-4-100: Nonconforming Uses of Complying Structures
10-4-110: Nonconforming Use of Noncomplying Structures
10-4-120: Change in Status of Non-Conforming Use
10-4-130: Damaged Buildings
10-5-010: Purpose
10-5-020: Applicability
10-5-030: Application and Review Procedures
10-5-040: Definitions
10-5-050: Lighting Standards and Fixtures
10-5-060: Specific Requirements for Lighting Applications
10-5-070: Exemptions
10-5-080: Penalty
10-5-090: Appeals
10-6-010: Purpose
10-6-020: Effect of Chapter
10-6-030: Parking On Public Streets
10-6-040: Minimum and Maximum Parking Spaces
10-6-050: Off Street Loading
10-6-060: Access to Off Street Parking and Loading Spaces
10-6-070: Parking Development, Standards, and Maintenance
10-6-080: Other Parking Provisions
Chapter 7: Home Occupations
10-7-010: Purpose
10-7-020: Home Occupation License
10-7-030: Categories and Regulation of Home Occupations
10-7-040: Standards for all Home Occupations
10-7-050: Minor Home Occupations
10-7-060: Major Home Occupations
10-7-070: Prohibited Home Occupations
10-7-080: Bed and Breakfast Homes
10-7-090: Notification to Adjacent Property Owners
Chapter 8: Establishment of Zones
10-8-010: Establishment of Zones
10-8-020: Zoning of Territory Annexed into the City
10-8-030: Requirements Declared as Minimums
10-8-040: The Zoning Map
10-8-050: Clarification of Zoning
10-8-060: Density, Lot Size, Frontage Table
10-8-070: Set-Back Requirement Table
Chapter 9: AG Agriculture Zone
10-9-010: Purpose
10-9-020: Permitted Uses
10-9-030: Conditional Uses
10-9-040: Lots of Record
10-9-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-9-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-9-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwelling
10-9-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-9-090: Requirements for Accessory Structures
10-9-100: Accessory Dwellings
10-9-110: Height Requirements and Provisions
10-9-120: Access
10-9-130: Trash, Waste Storage and Abandoned Vehicles
10-9-140: Off-Street Parking and Loading
10-9-150: Signs
Chapter 10: RA Residential Agriculture Zone
10-10-010: Purpose
10-10-020: Permitted Uses
10-10-030: Conditional Uses
10-10-040: Lots of Record
10-10-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-10-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-10-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwelling
10-10-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-10-090: Requirements for Accessory Structures
10-10-100: Accessory Dwelling
10-10-110: Height Requirements and Provisions
10-10-120: Access
10-10-130: Trash, Waste Storage, and Abandoned Vehicles
10-10-140: Off-Street Parking and Loading
10-10-150: Signs
Chapter 11: Low Density Residential
10-11-010: Purpose
10-11-020: Permitted Uses
10-11-030: Conditional Uses
10-11-040: Lots of Record
10-11-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-11-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-11-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwelling
10-11-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-11-090: Requirements for Accessory Structures
10-11-100: Accessory Dwellings
10-11-110: Height Requirements
10-11-120: Access
10-11-130: Landscaping
10-11-140: Trash, Waste, Storage, and Abandoned Vehicles
10-11-150: Off-Street Parking and Loading
10-11-160: Signs
Chapter 12: R-2 Medium Density Residential
10-12-010: Purpose
10-12-020: Permitted Uses
10-12-030: Conditional Uses
10-12-040: Lots of Record
10-12-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-12-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-12-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwellings
10-12-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-12-090: Requirements for Accessory Uses
10-12-100: Accessory Dwellings
10-12-110: Height Requirements and Provisions
10-12-120: Access
10-12-130: Landscaping
10-12-140: Trash, Waste Storage and Abandoned Vehicles
10-12-150: Off-Street Parking and Loading
10-12-160: Signs
Chapter 13: R-4 High Density Residential
10-13-010: Purpose
10-13-020: Permitted Uses
10-13-030: Conditional Uses
10-13-040: Lots of Record
10-13-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-13-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-13-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwellings
10-13-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-13-090: Requirements for Accessory Uses
10-13-100: Accessory Dwellings
10-13-110: Height Requirements and Provisions
10-13-120: Access
10-13-130: Landscaping
10-13-140: Trash, Waste Storage and Abandoned Vehicles
10-13-150: Off-Street Parking and Loading
10-13-160: Signs
Chapter 14: R-8 Very High Density Residential
10-14-010: Purpose
10-14-020: Permitted Uses
10-14-030: Conditional Uses
10-14-040: Lots of Record
10-14-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-14-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-14-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwellings
10-14-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-14-090: Requirements for Accessory Uses
10-14-100: Accessory Dwellings
10-14-110: Height Requirements and Provisions
10-14-120: Access
10-14-130: Landscaping
10-14-140: Trash, Waste Storage and Abandoned Vehicles
10-14-150: Off-Street parking and Loading
10-14-160: Signs
Chapter 15: Commercial Districts
10-15-010: Purpose
10-15-020: Codes and Symbols
10-15-030: Residential Uses within Commercial Zones
10-15-040: Area, Width, Frontage, Yard and Coverage Regulations
10-15-050: Height Regulations
10-15-060: Protection of Residential Property - Setbacks
10-15-070: Landscaping
10-15-080: Parking
10-15-090: Signs
10-15-100: Special Provisions
10-15-110: Uses Not Listed
10-15-120: Trash, Waste Storage and Abandoned Vehicles
Chapter 17: Light Industrial Zone
10-17-010: Purpose
10-17-020: Codes and Symbols
10-17-030: Uses Not Listed
10-17-040: Lots of Record
10-17-050: Area, Frontage, Width, and Height Requirements
10-17-060: Setback Requirements
10-17-070: Parking and Loading
10-17-080: Trash, Waste, Storage, Abandoned Vehicles
10-17-090: Signs
10-17-100: Special Provisions
Chapter 18: Hens, Chickens, and other Fowls
10-18-010: Purpose
10-18-020: Hens, Chickens and Fowls on Residential Lots
10-18-030: Number and Types of Hens, Chickens, and Fowls
10-18-040: Permitted Use
10-18-050: Violations
Chapter 19: Beekeeping
10-19-010: Purpose
10-19-020: Certain Conduct Unlawful
10-19-030: Hives on Residential Lots
10-19-040: Beekeeper Registration
10-19-050: Hives
10-19-060: Flyways
10-19-070: Water
10-19-080: Beekeeping Equipment
10-19-090: Conflict with County Health Department Regulations
10-19-100: Violations
Chapter 22: Sensitive Lands Overlay Zone
10-22-010: Purpose
10-22-020: Review Process
10-22-030: Sensitive Lands Defined
10-22-040: Sensitive Lands Terms and Usage
10-22-050: Sensitive Lands Analysis
10-22-060: Sensitive Lands Determination
10-22-070: Sensitive Lands Regulations
10-22-080: Public Projects
10-22-090: Design Standards
10-22-100: Tree and Vegetation Protection
10-22-110: Economic Hardship Relief Provisions
Chapter 23: Wireless Telecommunications
10-23-010: Purpose
10-23-020: Permit Required
10-23-030: Submittal Requirements
10-23-040: Building Permits
10-23-050: Antenna Site Locations
10-23-060: Co-Location Requirement
10-23-070: Lease Agreements for Use of City Land
10-23-080: Standards for Antennas and Antenna-Support Structures
10-23-090: Additional Conditional Use Permit Considerations
10-23-100: Additional Regulations for Monopoles and Towers
10-23-110: Safety Requirements
10-23-120: Abandonment
10-23-130: Site Requirements
Chapter 24: Adult/Sex Oriented Facilities and Businesses
10-24-010: Purpose
10-24-020: Definitions
10-24-030: Conforming Criteria
10-24-040: Mandatory General Conditions
10-24-050: Mandatory Design of Premises
10-24-060: Conditional Use Permit Required
10-24-070: Location and Zoning Restrictions
10-24-080: Business License Required
10-24-090: Single Location and Name
10-24-100: Transfer Limitations
10-24-110: Obscenity and Lewdness
10-24-120: Alcohol Prohibited
10-24-130: Professional Service Exemption
10-24-140: Nude Modeling/Escort Services
10-24-150: Nonconforming Uses
10-24-160: Change or Extension/Enlargement of Use
10-24-170: Cessation of Use
10-24-180: Dramatic Works Exception
10-24-190: Employee Licenses
10-24-200: Penalties
10-24-210: Right of Appeal
10-24-220: No Rights Created in Third Parties
10-24-230: Savings Clause
10-24-240: Conflict
Chapter 25: Fences and Walls
10-25-010: Purpose
10-25-020: Front Yard Setback
10-25-030: Side Yard and Corner Lot Setback
10-25-040: Sidewalk and Right-of-Way Setback
10-25-050: Other Restrictions
10-25-060: Maximum Height
10-25-070: Materials
10-25-080: Exceptions
10-25-090: Penalty
10-25-100: Appeals
Chapter 26: Demolition, Renovation and Excavation
10-26-010: Purpose
10-26-020: Demolition
10-26-030: Excavation Permit Required
10-26-040: Excavation Application Requirements
10-26-050: Excavation Permit Fees
10-26-060: Excavation Permit Contents
10-26-070: Excavation Permit - No Transfer or Assignment
10-26-080: Excavation Emergency Work
10-26-090: Excavation Restoration
10-26-100: Excavation Insurance Requirements
10-26-110: Excavation Bonding Requirements
Chapter 27: Recreational Vehicle Parks or Camp Grounds
10-27-010: Conditional Use Approval Required
10-27-020: Minimum Park Area
10-27-030: Property Development Standards
10-27-040: Length Of Occupancy
10-27-050: Eating and Cooking Facilities
10-27-060: Wastewater, Trash Disposal and Drinking Water Stations
Chapter 28: Recreational Park Model Trailers
10-28-010: Purpose
10-28-020: Definitions
10-28-030: Installation
10-28-040: Inspection Required
10-28-050: Location
10-28-060: Temporary Dwelling and Occupancy
10-28-070: Temporary Dwelling Permit
Chapter 29: Right to Farm Provisions
10-29-010: Purpose
10-29-020: Impact Analysis
10-29-030: Applicability
10-29-040: Factors Considered
10-29-050: Farm Animal Point System
10-1-010: Short Title
10-1-020: Purpose
10-1-030: Effect of Chapter
10-1-040: Application
10-1-050: Declaration
10-1-060: Interpretation
10-1-070: Conflicting Provisions Repealed
10-1-080: Relation to Prior Development and Subdivision Ordinance
10-1-090: Conflicts with this Code
10-1-100: Effective Date
10-1-110: Uses not Permitted in Zones
10-1-120: Scope of Title
10-1-130: Separability and Validity Clause
10-1-140: Effect of Ordinances and Regulation
10-1-150: Effect of Private Covenants and Agreements
10-1-160: Compliance Regarding Violation
10-1-170: Penalties
10-1-180: Delegation
10-1-190: Planning Commission
10-3-010: Purpose
10-3-020: Scope
10-3-030: General Application Requirements
10-3-040: Land Use Decisions and Appeal Process
10-3-050: Public Hearings and Meetings
10-3-060: Noticing
10-3-070: General Plan Amendments
10-3-080: Zoning Map and Text Amendments
10-3-090: Infrastructure/Engineer Review
10-3-100: Variances
10-3-110: Building Permit
10-3-120: Conditional Use Permit
10-3-130: Low Impact Permits
10-3-140: Temporary Uses
10-3-150: Appeal of Administrative Decisions
10-3-160: Vesting of Rights
10-3-170: Annexations
10-3-180: Street Vacations
10-3-190: Lot Line Adjustments
10-3-200: Exactions
10-3-210: Sensitive Land Review
10-3-220: Short-Term Rentals
10-3-230: Accessory Dwellings
10-4-010: Intent
10-4-020: Purpose
10-4-030: Effect of Chapter
10-4-040: Nonconforming Uses
10-4-050: Determination of Nonconformance and Noncompliance
10-4-060: Nonconforming Lots of Record
10-4-080: Nonconforming Uses of Land
10-4-090: Noncomplying Structures
10-4-100: Nonconforming Uses of Complying Structures
10-4-110: Nonconforming Use of Noncomplying Structures
10-4-120: Change in Status of Non-Conforming Use
10-4-130: Damaged Buildings
10-5-010: Purpose
10-5-020: Applicability
10-5-030: Application and Review Procedures
10-5-040: Definitions
10-5-050: Lighting Standards and Fixtures
10-5-060: Specific Requirements for Lighting Applications
10-5-070: Exemptions
10-5-080: Penalty
10-5-090: Appeals
10-6-010: Purpose
10-6-020: Effect of Chapter
10-6-030: Parking On Public Streets
10-6-040: Minimum and Maximum Parking Spaces
10-6-050: Off Street Loading
10-6-060: Access to Off Street Parking and Loading Spaces
10-6-070: Parking Development, Standards, and Maintenance
10-6-080: Other Parking Provisions
Chapter 7: Home Occupations
10-7-010: Purpose
10-7-020: Home Occupation License
10-7-030: Categories and Regulation of Home Occupations
10-7-040: Standards for all Home Occupations
10-7-050: Minor Home Occupations
10-7-060: Major Home Occupations
10-7-070: Prohibited Home Occupations
10-7-080: Bed and Breakfast Homes
10-7-090: Notification to Adjacent Property Owners
Chapter 8: Establishment of Zones
10-8-010: Establishment of Zones
10-8-020: Zoning of Territory Annexed into the City
10-8-030: Requirements Declared as Minimums
10-8-040: The Zoning Map
10-8-050: Clarification of Zoning
10-8-060: Density, Lot Size, Frontage Table
10-8-070: Set-Back Requirement Table
Chapter 9: AG Agriculture Zone
10-9-010: Purpose
10-9-020: Permitted Uses
10-9-030: Conditional Uses
10-9-040: Lots of Record
10-9-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-9-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-9-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwelling
10-9-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-9-090: Requirements for Accessory Structures
10-9-100: Accessory Dwellings
10-9-110: Height Requirements and Provisions
10-9-120: Access
10-9-130: Trash, Waste Storage and Abandoned Vehicles
10-9-140: Off-Street Parking and Loading
10-9-150: Signs
Chapter 10: RA Residential Agriculture Zone
10-10-010: Purpose
10-10-020: Permitted Uses
10-10-030: Conditional Uses
10-10-040: Lots of Record
10-10-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-10-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-10-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwelling
10-10-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-10-090: Requirements for Accessory Structures
10-10-100: Accessory Dwelling
10-10-110: Height Requirements and Provisions
10-10-120: Access
10-10-130: Trash, Waste Storage, and Abandoned Vehicles
10-10-140: Off-Street Parking and Loading
10-10-150: Signs
Chapter 11: Low Density Residential
10-11-010: Purpose
10-11-020: Permitted Uses
10-11-030: Conditional Uses
10-11-040: Lots of Record
10-11-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-11-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-11-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwelling
10-11-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-11-090: Requirements for Accessory Structures
10-11-100: Accessory Dwellings
10-11-110: Height Requirements
10-11-120: Access
10-11-130: Landscaping
10-11-140: Trash, Waste, Storage, and Abandoned Vehicles
10-11-150: Off-Street Parking and Loading
10-11-160: Signs
Chapter 12: R-2 Medium Density Residential
10-12-010: Purpose
10-12-020: Permitted Uses
10-12-030: Conditional Uses
10-12-040: Lots of Record
10-12-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-12-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-12-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwellings
10-12-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-12-090: Requirements for Accessory Uses
10-12-100: Accessory Dwellings
10-12-110: Height Requirements and Provisions
10-12-120: Access
10-12-130: Landscaping
10-12-140: Trash, Waste Storage and Abandoned Vehicles
10-12-150: Off-Street Parking and Loading
10-12-160: Signs
Chapter 13: R-4 High Density Residential
10-13-010: Purpose
10-13-020: Permitted Uses
10-13-030: Conditional Uses
10-13-040: Lots of Record
10-13-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-13-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-13-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwellings
10-13-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-13-090: Requirements for Accessory Uses
10-13-100: Accessory Dwellings
10-13-110: Height Requirements and Provisions
10-13-120: Access
10-13-130: Landscaping
10-13-140: Trash, Waste Storage and Abandoned Vehicles
10-13-150: Off-Street Parking and Loading
10-13-160: Signs
Chapter 14: R-8 Very High Density Residential
10-14-010: Purpose
10-14-020: Permitted Uses
10-14-030: Conditional Uses
10-14-040: Lots of Record
10-14-050: One Dwelling Per Lot
10-14-060: Minimum Lot Standards
10-14-070: Setback Requirements - Primary Dwellings
10-14-080: Setback Requirements - Accessory Structures
10-14-090: Requirements for Accessory Uses
10-14-100: Accessory Dwellings
10-14-110: Height Requirements and Provisions
10-14-120: Access
10-14-130: Landscaping
10-14-140: Trash, Waste Storage and Abandoned Vehicles
10-14-150: Off-Street parking and Loading
10-14-160: Signs
Chapter 15: Commercial Districts
10-15-010: Purpose
10-15-020: Codes and Symbols
10-15-030: Residential Uses within Commercial Zones
10-15-040: Area, Width, Frontage, Yard and Coverage Regulations
10-15-050: Height Regulations
10-15-060: Protection of Residential Property - Setbacks
10-15-070: Landscaping
10-15-080: Parking
10-15-090: Signs
10-15-100: Special Provisions
10-15-110: Uses Not Listed
10-15-120: Trash, Waste Storage and Abandoned Vehicles
Chapter 17: Light Industrial Zone
10-17-010: Purpose
10-17-020: Codes and Symbols
10-17-030: Uses Not Listed
10-17-040: Lots of Record
10-17-050: Area, Frontage, Width, and Height Requirements
10-17-060: Setback Requirements
10-17-070: Parking and Loading
10-17-080: Trash, Waste, Storage, Abandoned Vehicles
10-17-090: Signs
10-17-100: Special Provisions
Chapter 18: Hens, Chickens, and other Fowls
10-18-010: Purpose
10-18-020: Hens, Chickens and Fowls on Residential Lots
10-18-030: Number and Types of Hens, Chickens, and Fowls
10-18-040: Permitted Use
10-18-050: Violations
Chapter 19: Beekeeping
10-19-010: Purpose
10-19-020: Certain Conduct Unlawful
10-19-030: Hives on Residential Lots
10-19-040: Beekeeper Registration
10-19-050: Hives
10-19-060: Flyways
10-19-070: Water
10-19-080: Beekeeping Equipment
10-19-090: Conflict with County Health Department Regulations
10-19-100: Violations
Chapter 22: Sensitive Lands Overlay Zone
10-22-010: Purpose
10-22-020: Review Process
10-22-030: Sensitive Lands Defined
10-22-040: Sensitive Lands Terms and Usage
10-22-050: Sensitive Lands Analysis
10-22-060: Sensitive Lands Determination
10-22-070: Sensitive Lands Regulations
10-22-080: Public Projects
10-22-090: Design Standards
10-22-100: Tree and Vegetation Protection
10-22-110: Economic Hardship Relief Provisions
Chapter 23: Wireless Telecommunications
10-23-010: Purpose
10-23-020: Permit Required
10-23-030: Submittal Requirements
10-23-040: Building Permits
10-23-050: Antenna Site Locations
10-23-060: Co-Location Requirement
10-23-070: Lease Agreements for Use of City Land
10-23-080: Standards for Antennas and Antenna-Support Structures
10-23-090: Additional Conditional Use Permit Considerations
10-23-100: Additional Regulations for Monopoles and Towers
10-23-110: Safety Requirements
10-23-120: Abandonment
10-23-130: Site Requirements
Chapter 24: Adult/Sex Oriented Facilities and Businesses
10-24-010: Purpose
10-24-020: Definitions
10-24-030: Conforming Criteria
10-24-040: Mandatory General Conditions
10-24-050: Mandatory Design of Premises
10-24-060: Conditional Use Permit Required
10-24-070: Location and Zoning Restrictions
10-24-080: Business License Required
10-24-090: Single Location and Name
10-24-100: Transfer Limitations
10-24-110: Obscenity and Lewdness
10-24-120: Alcohol Prohibited
10-24-130: Professional Service Exemption
10-24-140: Nude Modeling/Escort Services
10-24-150: Nonconforming Uses
10-24-160: Change or Extension/Enlargement of Use
10-24-170: Cessation of Use
10-24-180: Dramatic Works Exception
10-24-190: Employee Licenses
10-24-200: Penalties
10-24-210: Right of Appeal
10-24-220: No Rights Created in Third Parties
10-24-230: Savings Clause
10-24-240: Conflict
Chapter 25: Fences and Walls
10-25-010: Purpose
10-25-020: Front Yard Setback
10-25-030: Side Yard and Corner Lot Setback
10-25-040: Sidewalk and Right-of-Way Setback
10-25-050: Other Restrictions
10-25-060: Maximum Height
10-25-070: Materials
10-25-080: Exceptions
10-25-090: Penalty
10-25-100: Appeals
Chapter 26: Demolition, Renovation and Excavation
10-26-010: Purpose
10-26-020: Demolition
10-26-030: Excavation Permit Required
10-26-040: Excavation Application Requirements
10-26-050: Excavation Permit Fees
10-26-060: Excavation Permit Contents
10-26-070: Excavation Permit - No Transfer or Assignment
10-26-080: Excavation Emergency Work
10-26-090: Excavation Restoration
10-26-100: Excavation Insurance Requirements
10-26-110: Excavation Bonding Requirements
Chapter 27: Recreational Vehicle Parks or Camp Grounds
10-27-010: Conditional Use Approval Required
10-27-020: Minimum Park Area
10-27-030: Property Development Standards
10-27-040: Length Of Occupancy
10-27-050: Eating and Cooking Facilities
10-27-060: Wastewater, Trash Disposal and Drinking Water Stations
Chapter 28: Recreational Park Model Trailers
10-28-010: Purpose
10-28-020: Definitions
10-28-030: Installation
10-28-040: Inspection Required
10-28-050: Location
10-28-060: Temporary Dwelling and Occupancy
10-28-070: Temporary Dwelling Permit
Chapter 29: Right to Farm Provisions
10-29-010: Purpose
10-29-020: Impact Analysis
10-29-030: Applicability
10-29-040: Factors Considered
10-29-050: Farm Animal Point System