Title 7 Health and Safety
Chapter 11: Nuisance Enforcement
7-11- 010: Purpose
7-11- 020: Definitions
7-11- 030: Nuisance - Definition
7-11- 040: Exception
7-11- 050: Responsibility for Nuisances
7-11- 060: Nuisance Abatement - Administration
7-11- 070: Finding of Nuisance
7-11- 080: Voluntary Correction
7-11- 090: Administrative Citation
7-11- 100: Abatement by City
7-11- 110: Habitual Nuisance
7-11- 120: Appeals
Chapter 12: Hazardous Materials
7-12- 010: Definitions
7-12- 020: Declaration of Nuisance
7-12- 030: Liability for Abatement of Nuisance
Chapter 13: Noise Disturbances
7-13- 010: Purpose
7-13- 020: Jurisdiction
7-13- 030: Powers and Duties
7-13- 040: Definitions
7-13- 050: Compliance Requirement
7-13- 060: Emergency Orders
7-13- 070: Sound Level; Measurement Method
7-13- 080: General Prohibition of Noise
7-13- 090: Specific Noise Prohibitions
7-13- 100: Motor Vehicle Noise
7-13- 110: Noise Levels
7-13- 120: Exemptions
7-13- 130: Relief from Restrictions
7-13- 140: Enforcement
7-13- 150: Penalty
Chapter 14: Weeds and Offensive Accumulations
7-14- 010: Inspections and notice
7-14- 020: Compliance with the notice
7-14- 030: Abatement by City
7-14- 040: Appeals
7-14- 050: Administrative charge
Chapter 15: Wrecked, Junked, Dismantled Motor Vehicles and Other Personal Property
7-15- 010: Purpose
7-15- 020: Definitions
7-15- 030: General Prohibition
7-15- 040: Exceptions
7-15- 050: Abatement Procedures
7-15- 060: Penalties